Sunday 03 November 2024

Your Excuses Debunked!

5 August 2018
Your Excuses Debunked!

Still not sure if you're ready to commit? We've debunked the most common excuses! 

  1. I'm not fit enough
    We have a distance for every ability, including a 5km and 12km option. And guess what? Walkers are welcome! So take your time, chat with other people along the course and use 28 October as a goal to get your fitness on track. 

  2. I don't have time to train
    How much time do you spend on social media or watching TV each day? All it takes is 30mins a day a couple of times a week - and you've still got three months! To make it super easy, we've even got FREE training plans, so you can schedule in your runs into your daily meetings. 

  3. It's too expensive
    The great thing about running is all you need is a pair of shoes and a bit of motivation to get you out the door. Training on your streets is free and a great way to explore your city. Compare a gym membership that locks you in for 12 months to a one-off entry fee for an incredible event day experience that you will remember for life, and suddenly the value you get in return seems very worth it! 

  4. It's too cold, I've got no motivation
    Step one, layer up! Step two, make every step count by running as a Charity Hero and raising money for a cause close to your heart. Supporting a charity is about so much more than just the money you raise - it’s about the time and effort you put into supporting your cause and getting their message out there that makes a real difference. 
Sun, 03 Nov 2024