Anna's Story

Anna Percy is one of our inspirational Charity Hero runners. This is her story.
I’ve always loved running and my mum was always my number one supporter. All throughout my time at school her favourite events to come watch me in were cross country events, and she was always there rain or shine to cheer me on. I didn’t carry on with running at university, but last year she convinced me to enter my first half marathon with her, and we completed it!
Six months later she was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with a very aggressive strain of brain cancer. I decided to do the Auckland Half Maraton hoping she would be able to see me finish it, but she sadly passed away (after a very brave fight) in March this year.
Now I am more determined than ever and will be running all 21ks for her.
I couldn’t think of a more fitting way to honour her by running for the Cancer Society and fund raising for this incredible organisation who gave my family, my mother and I tonnes of support throughout her illness.
You can donate to Anna's Cancer Society fundraising page here.