Sunday 02 November 2025
Running Tips by Gaz Brown from Get Running
15 July 2019

Winter is well and truly here, but don’t let that stop you getting out there to train. There are now under 100 days left until race day so we trust that your training is going well.
Gaz Brown from Get Running, has 5 great tips and tricks that may help you during your journey to the ASB Auckland Marathon:
- Keep an eye on your running shoes, if they are worn out through to the sole (so there is no longer grip showing) then its time to get a new pair! Generally shoes last around 3 months, but it’s a good idea to have a couple of pairs on the go at once, start the new pair as the old pair is finishing.
- As the weather cools, that does not give us the excuse to ease back on the training, remember the early bird that got the worm ... Think about that worm as being your training and goal, it's not hard, it's about pushing yourself out of bed. Leave the excuses in the bedroom!
- Always have a goal and event in sight but have the ability to adapt and change if need be, niggles happen (we prefer to the body adapting and creating a niggle... I am not a fan of using the word injury!) Its important to understand that sometimes the body just needs a rest, or to take it easy while adapting to the next stage in your progressive journey of running... and only you can make that call!
- Arm swing plays such a large roll in running, the energy created helps propel the legs. Focus on the feeling of pull and release from the elbows and a handy little tip is to pull back the arms a little harder when running up hills!
- It's super important to stretch out those Hip Flexors (tendon/muscle that joins the quad to our hips and used in the flexion and extension of running) A great way is to incorporate lunges into your cross training work out and even warm up with a few static lunges and leg swings.
Good luck with your training!