Winter Training Tips

Winter is now knocking on our door and with that comes colder temperatures, and the motivation to get out training decreases.
So before that kicks in, make plans to prevent it so you don't skip a beat! For assistance with tips, coaching, programs and more, GetRunning are your first stop. They have shared some winter training tips to help you get started:
1) Plan your week. On a Sunday night lock into your calendar or diary the week's training sessions, including all your runs and any cross training sessions. Make your training a priority.
2) Run with a friend or a group. Making a commitment to other people will help keep you on track as you won't want to let them down by not showing up. Plus you'll have to account to them for your absences!
3) Prepare. Lay out all your gear the night before so it is ready to jump into as soon as that alarm goes off - you'll be out the door before you even wake up! If you're training after work get changed at work before you leave so you won't be tempted to head straight home and hit the couch. Plus have a light snack on the way to top up the energy supplies.